产品类型 | 三相异步电动机 |
极数 | 4极 |
额定功率 | 0.55-315KW |
额定电压 | 380(V) |
额定转速 | 750-3000(rpm) |
产品认证 | ce |
应用范围 | 金属切削机床、水泵、鼓风 机、矿山机械、农业机械压 缩机、搅拌机、粉碎机 |
品牌 | 贝得 |
型号 | 1TL0001-3BB33-3AA5 |
概述 概述 General
1TL0001 系列电动机为一般用途,全封闭鼠笼式,自扇冷式三相异步电动机。
1TL0001 系列电动机机座号 FS080-355,额定功率 0.55-315kW,防护等级:标准配置 IP54,IP55
本系列电机符合 GB18613-2012《中小型三相异步电动机能效限定值及能效等级》标准,能效等级
为 3 级,具体规格的效率指标参见铭牌。
1TL0001 系列电动机可用于拖动转速及其它性能无特殊要求的机械,如:金属切削机床、水泵、鼓风
技术条件 技术条件 Technical condition
(1) 额定电压: 200~660V 伏, Rated voltage: 200~660V.
(2) 额定频率: 标准配置 50Hz,60Hz 可选, Rated frequency: 50Hz, Option 60Hz.
(3) 工作方式:连续 S1,Rating: S1 (continuous).
(4) 接法:△或 Y, connection: △ or Y.
(5) 绝缘系统温度等级:155(F),Insulation class: 155(F) class .
(6) 工作条件:环境温度不超过+40℃,海拔不超过 1000 米,Ambient temperature: up to 40℃.
结构型式 结构型式 Configuration type
B3 型 - 机座带底脚,端盖无凸的结构形式。
B5 型 - 机座不带底脚,端盖上带大于机座的凸缘的结构型式。
B35 型 - 机座带底脚,端盖上带大于机座的凸缘的结构型式
安装前的准备 安装前的准备 Preparation of installation
5.1 电动机开箱前应检查包装是否完整无损,有无受潮迹象,电动机开箱后应细心清除电机上的尘土及
Before unpacking, check up to ensure that the package is not damaged. After unpacking,
remove dust from the motor surface and rust-preventive coating from shaft extension end.
5.2 核对电动机的铭牌数据,必须符合要求。
Check, whether the data on the nameplate are correct.
5.3 仔细检查电动机在运输过程中有无变形或损坏,紧固件有无松动或脱落,用手转动转子,不应有定、
Check, if there is any damage or deformation during transportation. The fasteners should all be
fixed. The rotor should not rub against the stator, when it is turned by hand.
5.4 用 500 伏兆欧表测量绝缘电阻,其值不应低于 1 兆欧,否则应对定子绕组进行干燥处理,干燥处理温
度不超过 120℃。
Check winding insulation resistance with 500 volts ohmmeter. The measured value should not be
lower than 1M?, otherwise the stator winding has to be dried with temperature lower than 120℃.
All work must be carried out by a skilled worker. Before starting any work,
be sure to isolate the machine from the main and auxiliary power supply as
applicable. Mains must be secured against accidental switch on.
6.1 电动机允许用联轴器,正齿轮及皮带轮转动。但对 4 千瓦以上的 2 极电动机和 30 千瓦以上的 4 极
Motor can be transmitted through coupling, reduction gear or belt. But it is not suitable for
transmitted through belt of 2 pole motors above 4kW and 4 pole motors above 30 kW. The
transmission range of V- belt may be enlarged with using a small belt pulley. Extension shaft on NDE
(not drive end) is allowed to use the power output from the next smaller frame size.
6.2 采用皮带传动时,电机轴中心线与负载轴中心线平行,且要求皮带中心线与轴中心线垂直,采用联
With belt drive, the centre line of the motor shaft should be paralleled with centre line of the load
shaft, centre line of the belt should be perpendicular to the centre line of the shaft. With coupling drive,
the centre line of the motor should coincide with centre line of the load shaft.
6.3 对立式安装电机轴伸除皮带轮或相当于皮带轮负荷外,不允许带其它任何轴向负荷装置。
For vertical installed motor, additional axial load is not allowed by belt pulley (or its equivalent).