


广州市白云区良田金斯盾防水建材厂是一家跨国发展的全球多元化建材企业, 集团总部设在美国佛罗里达州,其发展历史可追溯到二十世纪中叶,集团涉足了防水材料、建筑涂料、染料、油墨、树脂、香科及调味料等十几个化工相关行业,拥有金斯盾、奇骏、安德斯等多个享誉全球的知名涂料品牌,是全球**大的建筑装饰涂料,防水涂料,干砂浆供应商之一。经过半个多世纪的发展,2006年集团营业额超过50亿美元,并在全球30多个**和地区设立了140多个相关分支与研究机构。 二十世纪末,经过对中国大陆市场实地考察和周密筹备,美国金斯盾化工集团在中国广州投资设立了亚太地区生产基地,年产各种防水涂料,建筑涂料,干砂浆近十万吨,并拥有业内**先进的生产技术及质量检测系统,先后通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证、中国**强制性3C认证、中国Ⅲ环保认证、中国环境标志(十环)认证,荣获中国市场产品质量用户满意**品牌、中国绿色建材推广产品、中国名优产品等荣誉,并于2005年底成为联合国注册供应商之一。 The U.S. KST Chemical (International) Group Company Limited, main headquarters in Florida, USA, is a multinational developed and global diversified enterprise. KST group is specialized in more than ten chemical related industries such as: chemical raw materials, paints, dyes, inks, resins, spices and seasonings and others. His history can date back to mid-twentieth century. At present, it has many world renowned brands, which makes it one of the biggest suppliers in architectural coatings and overall decoration field. After half a century of development, in year 2006 the Group Company got more than 5 billion U.S. dollars turnover and there were more than 140 branches and research institutions in more than 30 countries and regions. The U.S. KST Chemical Group in China was **p in Guangdong province in late 20th century. It has the most advanced technology and quality testing system and can produce many kinds of water proof paints and building paints and its yearly capacity comes to hundred thousand tons. Now, the group has certificate of ISO9001 (International Quality System Certification), the Chinese national compulsory 3C certification, China Ⅲ environmental certification, China Environmental Labeling (10 ring) certification and becomes member of the UN registered supplier in 2005. The products become one of the top ten quality brand names and customer satisfied products in Chinese market. One of the most environmental friendly Chinese building materials and also one of the most famous Chinese brands name. Thanks for its competitive
公司名称: 广州市白云区良田金斯盾防水建材厂 公司类型: 个体经营 ()
所 在 地: 广东/广州市 公司规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2011
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 防水建材,通用型防水涂料,水泥基防水涂料,金斯盾瓷砖填缝剂,纳米堵漏王,美国管根宝,外墙漆,**品牌防水系列
销售的产品: 防水建材,通用型防水涂料,水泥基防水涂料,金斯盾瓷砖填缝剂,纳米堵漏王,美国管根宝,外墙漆,**品牌防水系列
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